Thursday, May 3, 2007

Shin Splint Hell

My legs were feeling much better and I really tried hard to stay away from running. I knew it was a bad move but I went running yesterday. To quote Julia Roberts character from Pretty Woman, “Big mistake. Big. Huge.” (The picture is of the actual place where that scene took place in the movie. It’s actually very near where I grew up. The sales staff has never been anything but nice). I felt fine during the first four miles. However, during the last mile my shin just started to throb.

Think I am not going to run again for at least a week. It’s probably a good thing as I really do need to focus on the bike and the swim. Also, I recently set in motion plans to run the NYC Marathon in November (more on that later). I need to learn how to manage this before I really start focusing on the next adventure.

As a funny side note my office has all these small first aid cabinets located throughout the building. I have stripped them clean of these awesome little instant ice pack pouches they have. Score!


Wrenched Photography said...

i whole heartedly agree that shin splints suck.

Matt said...

NYC marathon in the fall! Nice!

Tea said...

Very smart to take time off! Too many people push through shin splints only to end up with an even worse injury.

NY will be a blast!

Habeela said...

It's another New Yorker triathlete! How exciting!