Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Blatant Product Placement

I go through a lot of hair elastics. I break them, I lose them, my sister steals them. About six months ago I bought some Goody hair elastics and as an added bonus they included two of their new StayPut elastics. Those things are in a word: awesome. They stay in place, don’t rip out your hair, nor do they break. Shortly after my training began I received a promotional email via active.com from Goody. They were looking to start a women’s triathlon team. Did I have a chance of making it? No. Did I sign up anyway? You betcha. I wanted free stuff. Also, I couldn’t find more of these amazing elastics anywhere.

Given that I had never done a triathlon I was negged - which was ok. In time I was able to find the product line at local drugstores including headbands that don’t slip off during sweaty spin sessions. I also wore the products the entire time I was in Kona from swim to bike, to run to dinner and they held up fabulously. Here’s a tip. Buy the girl size headbands as they tend to fit better.

The other night when I got home from my Florida trip there was a package waiting from me from Goody as a thanks for applying. It was filled with loads of StayPut products. Tons of different elastics and headbands and even scrunchies that make me want to revisit the eighties. A sincere thanks to Goody for making my day.


Dances with Corgis said...

Cool! I'll have to check that stuff out. I have been having a bit of a hair issue lately in yoga of all places- my hat falls off in half of the poses, rendering my normal solution- stuff hair under hat- useless.

Stacey said...

They carry them at Duane Reade and CVS. I am partial to the bun + headband combo.