Two Loops
I never considered myself a swimmer, biker or runner; however, I was always athletic. In elementary school I was placed in Boys PE because I was too good to play with the girls (or was that what they just told me because I sometimes had a slight “attitude” problem). Nevertheless, I come from a long line of athletes so I like to think that I am an athlete. Why I chose a sport that involves three disciplines that I never excelled at is still beyond me. Little-by-little though I have been chipping away at each sport. Last week a newbie swimmer at the gym told me I looked awesome in the pool as I easily circled the intermediate lane with two male swimmers. In running I have gone from a 9:30/minute four mile race to a 9:00/minute 9 mile race.
Biking, well biking has eluded me. I know I dragged a bit on getting my bike and now it is catching up on me. I hate getting smoked by every single rider on the Central Park loop. The new shoes made a world of difference but I still have a ways to go. However, yesterday there was another female triathlete (I know she’s a triathlete cause she lives in my building) and I smoked her on the nasty incline at the top of the loop coming down the west side (if you have ever biked or run the loop you know what I am talking about). However, a few minutes after the uphill stretch she smoked me on the downhill. That’s ok. My two loop time is now 51 minutes down from 60 a few weeks ago. Making a little progress…
Blegh, loops and loops and loops of the freaking park. :( Are you sick of them yet? I don't even run in the park anymore, I can't stand it because of all of the bike loops I do! And if I do run there, I try and go on trails and just random paths because I am so sick of that freaking road!
PS- way to go on improving your time. :)
You should try some of the group rides with the New York Cycle Club ( They are great because you get in tons of base mileage and you get off that freakin' loop! Good luck with your training!
Way to keep at it! And this weather isn't helping much either!
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