Last night was Matt’s (aka my running coach) birthday. To celebrate we went for a huge steak dinner that he would describe as “delosia.” Yes, it was very, very good. Also, with all the training I do I need some serious protein, right?
Enough about dinner. On the way home in the cab I was talking about some body strain and Matt mentions that I should do pilates. My response: “please, like all I need is another coach.” Matt and I always joke about how I have all of these “coaches.” He’s right, I do. There’s Mikael, my triathlon coach at Cadence. There’s Boris, the swim master (but in my defense I only work with Boris on rare occasions to perfect my stroke). Let’s not forget Alex, who has been helping me with weight training since I was a pathetic weakling recovering from two nasty back surgeries. Then the discussion switched to how Matt thinks I am starting to prep for my big race a little early. Ok side note – Matt is nothing if not totally supportive of me and my training. He joins me for runs, never complains when my “one hour I promise” workout at the gym comes in closer to two hours, and has even offered to make a fun weekend out of the Philly Tri.
Here’s the point of the post. My response to Matt and his gripes about training: “you don’t know this but there is a whole world of people out there who think what I am doing is so completely normal….and you know where they live…online.” Yes, the tri-blogging community has been a great source for a newbie like me. It provides me inspiration, motivation, tips and just flat out good reading when I am really bored and surfing the net. I was thrilled this morning when I got an email from the Iron Kahuna informing me that he had granted my request to add me to the Tri-Blogger Alliance. Then, I was even more excited when I noticed that he had given me a shout out on his blog. Also, if you haven't been listening to his podcasts you should - cause they are most excellent.